Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene. The red ones are the best. Studies have show that having more lycopene in you diet decreases your risk of all types of cancers including skin, lung, [...]
Boost immune system and helps protect against Cancer. Not all yogurt. Look for “live and active cultures” It should be somewhere on the label. Yogurts are also rich in protein and [...]
Spinach helps reduce the risk of having a stroke, osteoporosis. and heart disease. I has plant based omega-3s and folate. Spinach is also packed full of lutein, which fights the loss of muscle [...]
Whenever you do any physical activity, like running jogging lifting weights you create very small tears in your muscle’s. Don’t be worried this is a normal. When your body rebuilds the [...]
There are two types of goals that you should set. Short term and long term goals. Short term goals should be like “What can I achive in a month?” It must be a reasonable goal that is [...]